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Let's keep moving forward

to a better you...

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I assist you, my clients, to reach your highest visions, to be your very best, and to become a better version of yourselves. We partner together so you move forward to places you have always dreamed of being and we strategize together so you stay in those places and you keep moving forward!

Nancy Polites Coaching

Hi! I'm Nancy

Hello and welcome!  I am Nancy Polites, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Florida, with a background in mental health services to help others - and you - to reach for, achieve, and find peace to live healthy, happy balanced lives. As their Licensed Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, it has been my joy and privilege to support personal growth and vision achievements. Being present, being the catalyst, and watching my clients move into their true authentic selves – that’s the pleasure and the thrill of my work.


My work has been with geriatric and extended family populations, in medical environments, youth psychiatric facilities, drug and alcohol addiction facilities, veteran PTSD projects, group settings,  and one-to-one therapy or coaching. Always with my clients’ visions for their clarity and understanding of who they are and how they want to be. Each of us requires special time to sort out the help they desire and I'm pleased to be that assistant to you. I am pleased to offer you help with your  partner, spouse, and support in parenting. Let us improve our relationships within your family settings.

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Relationships we can work on...


  • Improve your love relationships

  • Find the perfect mate with my Relationship Map tools I’ll teach you

  • Fall in love with your mate all over again!


  • Become the parent you always thought you would be and right now you aren’t


  • Enhance your relationships with superior communications skills

  • Improve all your work relationships with co-workers who irk and drive you crazy

What people are saying...

Dr. M.C.

Nancy Polites has been the single most instrumental influence into my relationship with my husband, ever. We have been together 20 years, and in our early years, we had very severe blockages to communication between us; so much so that I am sure that we would not still be together had we not found her early on in our relationship.  We both have our own issues (autism, mental health conditions, fallout from severe childhood abuse, health issues, depression), all of which, and more, complicated our ability to understand and be compassionate to one another.  Nancy taught us how to listen to one another and really hear what was being said. And then, accept that communication in a thoughtful and useful way, which promotes deeper understanding, compassion, and love between us.   I can never thank you enough Nancy, for teaching us your masterful style of communication.  We love you.

George G.

As a 45-year-old, single man, meeting Nancy for our first session was more scary than anything I had ever experienced. I didn't know what to expect.  I knew I was depressed and anxious and didn't know how I was going to be helped.  Was I in for a surprise.  Week by week as I talked, shared, cried, laughed and began to feel the feelings I had bottled up for so long, I felt accepted, I learned the tapping tool, EFT, so I could help me along the way, and by marking my progress, as Nancy always wanted me to do. I started to feel better, more trusting of me and learned acceptance of my past. Now,6 months later, I feel that I have a plan, tools that serve me well, and although a long way to go in my growth, I know which way to turn.  Nancy, you taught me that and I will forever be grateful for your guidance, your patience, and your love. 


I was taking care of my elderly ill brother for 2 years, thinking I had to do on my own.  I knew Nancy was someone who helped people  in situations like mine, but I kept putting off contacting her.   Finally......when I called Nancy and told her of my predicament, she understood what needed to be done, acted quickly, and began to connect the dots.   Yes she said she was being a Geriatric Care Manager for me, but oh my, the endless counseling and therapy she provided was life-saving to get through all the painful details we needed to put together. I felt very confident of all that was being done, with the bank, lawyers, etc. To say I was relieved is an understatement.  I had been so frightened, and unsure about how to go about getting my dear brother the care he needed.   I can't say enough about Nancy and her easy willingness to gently remove the barriers I had put up and brought together every bit of paperwork and individuals to talk with. I don't know how to thank you, Nancy, and I'd recommend anyone in a dilemma such as mine who is reading this.Whether she can help or not, she will immediately sort out what needs to happen.  I don't know how you know so many suggestions for action!  My family and I are truly blessed to have you in our lives.  Thank you.

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